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STAR Tracking Optimization Studies

In this write-up we discuss potential improvements in the track reconstruction algorithms used by the STAR experiment. The event reconstruction requires a significant amount of CPU resources. Therefore, the objective of this study is to find bottle necks in the code and reduce the overall running time as much as possible.


Timing Track Reconstruction Algorithm

We start by assessing the performance of the track reconstruction code in the latest library release [ref needed - ???]. The total time of reconstruction jobs executed over raw data is measured for three different RHIC Runs completed in 2017, 2016, and 2015. The timing is done using 300 events with job options identical to those used in the official reconstruction. The number of minutes along with the fraction of time spent in the actual reconstruction algorithm (StiMaker::Make()) reported in Table [#].

Profiling of StiMaker::Make() in is done by using the callgrind tool. We reconstruct 20 events using the same input data and keeping the Make() calls properly isolated (need a reference to the corresponding branch in star-sti).

The sampling data collected with callgrind show that the following two functions use significant franctions of the total time spent in the StiMaker::Make() routine:

  • StiTrackNode::errPropag6() ~7%
  • StiTrackNodeHelper::joinTwo() ~20%

From the reconstruction job log file it appears ~80% of the total time is spent in StiMaker::Make().

File Notes StiMaker, % (total mins) joinTwo(), % errPropag6(), %
st_physics_18060106_raw_0000008.daq st_physics_18060107_raw_0000002.daq/3093 [1](#tbl_note_1) Sti 57 (83) 28 9
StiCA 63 (97) 23 7
st_physics_17072001_raw_3500002.daq [2](#tbl_note_2) Sti 44 (155) 22 7
StiCA 46 (177) 19 6.4
st_physics_16067017_raw_1000020.daq [3](#tbl_note_3) Sti 34 (67) 20.4 7.1
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In [2]:
import plotly


x = ['18060106', '17072001', '16067017']

time_frac_joinTwo = {
    'x': x,
    'y': [28, 22, 20.4],
    'type': 'bar',
    'name': 'joinTwo()'

time_frac_errPropag6 = {
    'x': x,
    'y': [9, 7, 7.1],
    'type': 'bar',
    'name': 'errPropag6()'

data_obj = {
    'data': [time_frac_joinTwo, time_frac_errPropag6],
    'layout': {
        'xaxis': {'type': 'category'},
        'barmode': 'stack',
        'margin': { 't': 0, 'r': 0, 'b': 20, 'l': 40},
        'shapes': [{'type': 'line', 'x0': -0.5, 'y0': 100, 'x1': 2.5, 'y1': 100}]

plotly.offline.iplot( data_obj, show_link=False, link_text="", filename='components_StiMaker' )
#plotly.offline.plot( data_obj, show_link=False, link_text="", include_plotlyjs=False, output_type='div' )


For data reconstruction options see

[1] Official reco options for "pp 510GeV run 2017 TOF, TPC dE/dx, MTD, and BeamLine calibration production"

"DbV20170718 pp2017 mtd btof -beamline BEmcChkStat [Sti|StiCA] CorrX OSpaceZ2 OGridLeakFull -hitfilt KeepTpcHit" -keys path,filename,events -cond filename~st_physics_%,runnumber[]18060107-18060107,sanity=1,filetype=online_daq -delim / -limit 10

[2] Official reco options for "auau 200GeV run 2016 st_hlt production for the second period after run number 17062047 with StiCA and without HFT tracking"

"DbV20161001 P2016a [Sti|StiCA] mtd mtdCalib btof picoWrite PicoVtxVpd BEmcChkStat -evout CorrX OSpaceZ2 OGridLeak3D -hitfilt" -keys path,filename,events -cond filename~st_physics_%,runnumber[]17072000-17072047,sanity=1,filetype=online_daq -delim / -limit 10

[3] Official reco options for "pp 200GeV run 2015 production without HFT tracking and with PPV_W mode cut for vertex finding"

"DbV20160418 pp2015c btof mtd mtdCalib pp2pp fmsDat fmsPoint fpsDat BEmcChkStat -evout CorrX OSpaceZ2 OGridLeak3D -hitfilt"

QA :INFO  - QAInfo: Done with Event [no. 10/run 18069061/evt. 1467682/Date.Time 20170311.13732/sta 0] Real Time =     758.06 seconds Cpu Time =      757.25 seconds
QA :INFO  - QAInfo:Run is finished at Date/Time 20170428/141636; Total events processed :10 and not completed: 0
QA :INFO  - Run completed
QA :INFO  - =================================================================================
QA :INFO  - QAInfo:Chain            StBFChain::bfc                  Ast =7287.85        Cpu =6767.55
QA :INFO  - QAInfo:Maker          StTreeMaker::outputStream         Ast = 71.40( 1.0%) Cpu = 65.34( 1.0%)
QA :INFO  - QAInfo:Maker       StEventQAMaker::EventQA              Ast = 14.64( 0.2%) Cpu = 12.41( 0.2%)
QA :INFO  - QAInfo:Maker         StMuDstMaker::MuDst                Ast = 78.26( 1.1%) Cpu = 71.64( 1.1%)
QA :INFO  - QAInfo:Maker     StBTofMatchMaker::btofMatch            Ast =  8.98( 0.1%) Cpu =  8.08( 0.1%)
QA :INFO  - QAInfo:Maker        StdEdxY2Maker::dEdxY2               Ast =526.51( 7.2%) Cpu =497.28( 7.3%)
QA :INFO  - QAInfo:Maker             StiMaker::Sti                  Ast =5705.10(78.3%) Cpu =5356.09(79.1%)
QA :INFO  - QAInfo:Maker StGenericVertexMaker::GenericVertex        Ast =  0.10( 0.0%) Cpu =  0.08( 0.0%)
QA :INFO  - QAInfo:Maker        StEmcRawMaker::emcRaw               Ast = 27.77( 0.4%) Cpu =  8.98( 0.1%)
QA :INFO  - QAInfo:Maker     StZdcVertexMaker::StZdcVertexMaker     Ast =  0.03( 0.0%) Cpu =  0.03( 0.0%)
QA :INFO  - QAInfo:Maker              StMaker::tpcChain             Ast =636.53( 8.7%) Cpu =614.18( 9.1%)
QA :INFO  - QAInfo:Maker              StMaker::MtdChain             Ast =171.00( 2.3%) Cpu =106.43( 1.6%)
QA :INFO  - QAInfo:Maker       St_geant_Maker::geant                Ast =  9.48( 0.1%) Cpu =  3.09( 0.0%)
QA :INFO  - QAInfo:Maker          St_db_Maker::db                   Ast = 14.62( 0.2%) Cpu = 10.20( 0.2%)
QA :INFO  - QAInfo:Maker            StIOMaker::inputStream          Ast =  1.40( 0.0%) Cpu =  0.72( 0.0%)
StAnalysisMaker:INFO  - StAnalysisMaker::Finish() Processed 10 events.

Alternative Implementations

Currently most matrix operations in Sti are implemented using the old TCL library available in ROOT

In the following tests we use:

  • Eigen 3.3.3 (67e894c6cd8f)
  • gcc 4.8.2
  • SMatrix classes from ROOT 5.34.30

Unless noted all proposed alternative implementations conform to the same original interface. We also make sure that the returned results are identical to the existing Sti functions for the same input.


This function calculates the matrix product B = ASA^T where A, S are 6x6 matrices, S is a symmetric matrix

  • orig.h - The original version used in Sti

  • orig_no_branch.h - No if statements to check (non-)zero matrix elements inside the nested for-loops. This removes the need for CPU branch prediction

  • trasat.h - Based on TCL::trasat

  • smatrix.h - Vectorized calculation based on ROOT::Math::SMatrix

  • eigen.h - Vectorized calculation based on Eigen library


This function calculates the weighted average of two multi-dimensional vectors

$$ \begin{align} M &= \bigl( W_1 + W_2 \bigr)^{-1} \bigl(W_1 X_1 + W_2 X_2 \bigr)\\ W &= \bigl( W_1 + W_2 \bigr)^{-1}\\ \chi^2 &= ...\\ \end{align} $$

Various implementations of StiTrackNodeHelper::joinTwo()

  • orig.h - The original version used in Sti. Assumptions are made about the relative error size of the two measurements. The averaging formula seems to be simplified base on the assumption.

  • eigen.h - Vectorized implementation based on Eigen library. The implementation follows the original one in orig.h. This function assumes unpacked input data

  • eigen_packed.h - Similar to eigen.h but unpacks the symmetric input matrices

  • eigen_packed_float.h - Similar to eigen_packed.h, in addition casts the newly created unpacked data to single precision


We benchmark the above versions of the StiTrackNode::errPropag6() and StiTrackNodeHelper::joinTwo() functions by calling them in a large number of iterations.

We focus on vectorized implementation of matrix operations by Eigen and SMatrix. Vectorization in CPUs use large registers to perform simultaneous arithmetic operations on several scalar values.

128 bit registers in SSE: 2 double or 4 single precision (float) scalars
256 bit registers in AVX: 4 double or 8 single precision (float) scalars
512 bit registers in AVX2

Relevant CPU info:

model name      : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1607 v2 @ 3.00GHz
flags           : ...  sse sse2 ... ssse3 ... sse4_1 sse4_2 ... avx ...

How to build

To compile the tests do:

cd my-tests
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -D EIGEN_INCLUDE_DIR=~/eigen-67e894c6cd8f/ -D CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="<cxx_flags>" ../
cmake --build ./ -- VERBOSE=1

A desired target may be specified, e.g.:

cmake --build ./ --target test-StiTrackNode-errPropag6
cmake --build ./ --target test-StiTrackNodeHelper-joinTwo

Currenlty we define the following sets of gcc compiler flags:


-march=native -O2 -m32 -mno-avx
-march=native -O2 -m64 -mno-avx
-march=native -O2 -m32 -mavx
-march=native -O2 -m64 -mavx
-march=native -O3 -m32 -mno-avx
-march=native -O3 -m64 -mno-avx
-march=native -O2 -m34 -fno-tree-vectorize -D EIGEN_DONT_VECTORIZE
-march=native -O2 -m32 -fno-tree-vectorize -D EIGEN_DONT_VECTORIZE

Another gcc option to try is -ffast-math but it can give significantly different numerical results.

Running tests for errPropag6()

Benchmark one of the StiTrackNode::errPropag6() implementations by running the test as:

test-StiTrackNode-errPropag6 <test_func_name> <n_iterations> <freq_of_zeros> <verbosity>

with the following values

<test_func_name>:  {orig, orig_no_branch, trasat, smatrix, eigen}
<n_iterations>:    The number of calls to tested function (default: 1,000,000)
<freq_of_zeros>:   A real number f: f = (0, 1] or f <= 0 for realistic simulation
<verbosity>:       Verbosity level: v[0-9] , (default: v1)

Running tests for joinTwo()

Different implementations of StiTrackNodeHelper::joinTwo() can be benchmarked similar to StiTrackNode::errPropag6()

test-StiTrackNodeHelper-joinTwo <test_func_name> <n_iterations> <verbosity>

with the following values

<test_func_name>:  {orig, eigen_as_orig, eigen}
<n_iterations>:    The number of calls to tested function (default: 1,000,000)
<verbosity>:       Verbosity level: v[0-9] , (default: v1)



Comparison of various benchmark tests with different compiler options.

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In [4]:
import plotly
import plotly_csv


plotly_data = plotly_csv.make_plotly_data('results_errPropag6.csv')

plotly_obj = {
    'data': plotly_data,
    'layout': {
        'barmode': 'group',
        'hovermode': 'closest',
        'legend': {
            'orientation': 'v',
            'x': 0, 'xanchor': 'left',
            'y': 1, 'yanchor': 'bottom'
        'margin': { 't': 0, 'r': 0, 'b': 20, 'l': 40}

plotly.offline.iplot( plotly_obj, show_link=False, link_text="" )
#plotly.offline.plot( plotly_obj, show_link=False, link_text="", include_plotlyjs=False, output_type='div' )

40% gain in speed when switching from orig to eigen

The plot below shows the time spent in the function for a set of f values ranging from 0.1 to 0.9. The first point at f = 0 corresponds to the measured rate for realistic simulation.


Comparison of various benchmark tests with different compiler options.

In [5]:
import plotly
import plotly_csv


plotly_data = plotly_csv.make_plotly_data('results_joinTwo.csv')

plotly_obj = {
    'data': plotly_data,
    'layout': {
        'barmode': 'group',
        'hovermode': 'closest',
        'legend': {
            'orientation': 'v',
            'x': 0, 'xanchor': 'left',
            'y': 1, 'yanchor': 'bottom'
        'margin': { 't': 0, 'r': 0, 'b': 20, 'l': 40}

plotly.offline.iplot( plotly_obj, show_link=False, link_text="" )
#plotly.offline.plot( plotly_obj, show_link=False, link_text="", include_plotlyjs=False, output_type='div' )

20% gain in speed when switching from orig to eigen_packed

22% gain in speed when switching from orig to eigen_packed_float

For single precision case, need to reconfirm the effect on the output w.r.t. the double precision case


This is a test to calculate the inverse of 6x6 matrices using Eigen

$$ C = (A + B)^{-1} $$
In [6]:
import plotly
import plotly_csv


plotly_obj = plotly_csv.make_plotly_obj('results_eigen_inverse.csv')

plotly.offline.iplot( plotly_obj, show_link = False)

#plotly.offline.plot( plotly_obj, show_link = False, include_plotlyjs=False, output_type='div')
  • 6x6 matrices appear to be very small to show the difference between SSE and AVX for single precision

  • Additional tests with 100x100 and 180x180 (max size constrained by the stack size) matrices showed 15% and 20% respective gains for AVX vs SSE

Study of Sti re-fitting routine joinTwo()

In Sti each track candidate (i.e. a track "hypothesis" in a strict mathematical sense) is fit to the hits encountered along the way when track is extrapolated to the next detector volume. The initial track fitting is done in the outside-in direction. In Sti the initial seeding and fitting stages are combined. This procedure described above is referred to as a track fitting stage in Sti.

After the fitting stage Sti enters a re-fitting stage in order to get a more precise measurement of track parameters. The next re-fitting pass is done in the opposite inside-out direction with the already known track parameters in hand.

double StiTrackNodeHelper::joinTwo(int nP1, const double *P1, const double *E1,
                                   int nP2, const double *P2, const double *E2,
                                                  double *PJ,       double *EJ);
$$ P = P \left( x, y, z, \phi, 1/P_T, \tan\Lambda \right) $$

Plots of input distributions and the analysis of joinTwo() calls can be found at

Summary and Outlook

  • Milestone #1

    • Benchmark different (vectorized) implementations of top time consuming Sti functions
    • Time a typical reconstruction job with new proposed implementations
    • Confirm projected gain in speed (0.30 x 0.20 + 0.10 x 0.40) x 0.80 = 0.08
  • In general, packed symmetric matrices are not good for vectorization. Currently, we don't see much evidence to confirm significant impact of packing/unpacking on the overall performance

  • In all proposed alternative implementations of existing Sti functions we make sure that the returned results are identical for the same input

  • 64-bit builds seem to give a substantial gain in speed. What exactly prevents us from building 64-bit libraries for STAR reconstruction?

  • Switching to single precision in vectorized calculations can potentially reduce the processing time by another factor. Which calculations in Sti require double precision?

  • StiTrackNodeHelper::joinVtx() did not show in the call graph for the tested sample. Is it called by StiMaker::Make()?

  • In these tests we take advantage of the vectorization implemented in Eigen for matrix operations, i.e. the "inner loop". But is there a way or trick to help Eigen to vectorize the "outer loop" over matrix instances even at a cost of data re-packing?

Open questions and to-do list

  • Plug-in tested implementations (e.g. using Eigen) in Sti code and time a real reconstruction job

  • Produce a call graph for event reconstruction with StiCA

  • Other functions for potential refactoring are: StiNodeErrs::zign(), StiNodeErrs::recov()

  • Add implementation of StiTrackNodeHelper::joinTwo() with SMatrix. This should be similar to the case of StiTrackNode::errPropag6()

  • Need to sample inputs to StiTrackNodeHelper::joinTwo() from real events. Again, this is similar to what was done for StiTrackNode::errPropag6() (see Estimating rate of zero matrix elements). Even better if we sample the hit (StiHit) and node (StiNodeErrs) error matrices.

  • Test other compilers? clang, gcc 5/6/7...


A few useful commands to check supported and enabled options in gcc:

gcc -march=native -Q --help=target
gcc -march=native -E -v - </dev/null 2>&1 | grep cc1
gcc -march=native -mno-avx -dM -E - < /dev/null | egrep "SSE|AVX"


  • main-errPropag6-vs-trasat-output.cxx compares the output of errPropag6() to that of TCL::trasat(). Both functions calculate the matrix operation given by ASA^T with A, S, and A^T being 6x6 matrices. The test can be compiled at ideone ( or by simply doing:

    g++ -std=c++11 main-errPropag6-vs-trasat-output.cxx

  • main.cxx profiles errPropag6() in its original and modified versions. See below for details.

Estimating rate of zero matrix elements

For realistic simulation we sampled inputs from 10k calls during reconstruction of a single real event.

Frequency of zeros in F and G matrices by element index

Input raw data file

The processing options and the input file used in this test

root4star -l -b -q 'bfc.C(1, 10, "pp2017, btof, mtd, pp2pp, fmsDat, fmsPoint, fpsDat, BEmcChkStat, QAalltrigs, CorrX, OSpaceZ2, OGridLeak3D, -hitfilt", "<input_daq_file>")'

<input_daq_file> = st_physics_18069061_raw_2000021.daq