Investigating Issues with Vertex Reconstruction in Run 16
dAu 200 GeV
Dmitri Smirnov
January 9, 2019
The Problem
- Observations reported by Shengli Huang - [S&C meeting, June 13, 2018]( -
The Problem
- Gene confirmed the issue by identifying tracks with nonsensical pseudorapidity - - Define metric z position of the last point on the track vs. track angle - Correlation for globals (left) and outliers for primaries (right)
Reminder: Vertex Position Fit
- The following is true for both STAR vertex finding algorithms, VFMinuit and PPV - VFMinuit and PPV primarily differ in how vertex seeds are found, plus some track/vertex QA seletion cuts - Vertex position is found by minimizing $\chi^2$ for a set of selected tracks - Important: Actuall $\chi^2$ terms are modified as $s \bigg( 1 - \exp\Big(- \frac{\chi^2}{s} \Big) \bigg)$
Modified $\chi^2$
Modified $\chi^2$
Track "Angle" vs "Exit point" Corr.:
s=100 vs s=250
Track "Angle" vs "Exit point" Corr.:
s=100 vs s=500
Track "Angle" vs "Exit point" Corr.:
s=100 vs s=1000
Tracks with Unwanted "Angle" vs "Exit point" Corr.:
s=100 vs s=250
Tracks with Unwanted "Angle" vs "Exit point" Corr.:
s=100 vs s=500
Tracks with Unwanted "Angle" vs "Exit point" Corr.:
s=100 vs s=1000
Tracks with Expected "Angle" vs "Exit point" Corr.:
s=100 vs s=250
Tracks with Expected "Angle" vs "Exit point" Corr.:
s=100 vs s=500
Tracks with Expected "Angle" vs "Exit point" Corr.:
s=100 vs s=1000
Change in Vertex Position: s=100 vs s=250
Change in Vertex Position: s=100 vs s=500
Change in Vertex Position: s=100 vs s=1000
- Investigating the effect of highly curved tracks in Run 14 dAu 200 GeV dataset - Increasing the scale in "robust potential" does reduce the effect - May lead to statistical fluctuations in otherwise unaffected vertices - $\sim 1\\%$ loss in primary tracks and vertices is observed with higher scale values
But `SL18d` does not include the fixes for $\sim 10\\%$ of tracks restored in `SL18h` - Will may need to support different scale values with DB entries