▼Cfunction | |
Ctvx::IsHitWithinError< _GenericTrackNode, _GenericHit > | |
Ctvx::GenericEvent< _TrackContainer, _HitContainer > | A templated abstract base class interface with a basic functionality common to all events recorded by a tracking detector |
▼Ctvx::GenericEvent< std::list< Track >, std::set< Hit > > | |
Ctvx::Event | A simple persistent event container holding collections of tracks and hits |
Ctvx::GenericHit< _Coordinates > | An abstract base class interface with a basic functionality common to all reconstructed hits registered by a tracking detector |
▼Ctvx::GenericHit< TVector3 > | |
Ctvx::Hit | A simple class to contain basic properties of a hit registered by an active material in a detector |
Ctvx::GenericTrack< _GenericEvent, _TrackNodeContainer > | A templated abstract base class interface with a basic functionality common to all tracks reconstructed by a tracking algorithm |
▼Ctvx::GenericTrack< Event, std::set< TrackNode > > | |
Ctvx::Track | A simple persistent class describing a reconstructed charged particle track with a collection of track nodes |
Ctvx::GenericTrackNode< _Coordinates, _TrackNodeHitContainer > | A templated abstract base class interface with a basic functionality common to all track nodes identified by a tracking algorithm |
▼Ctvx::GenericTrackNode< TVector3, std::set< Hit > > | |
Ctvx::TrackNode | |
Ctvx::ProgramOptions | Processes and controls user options provided in the command line |
▼CTDirectoryFile | |
Ctvx::HistContainer | A light container to hold and manipulate user histograms |
▼CTFile | |
Ctvx::RootFile | A basic extention of the ROOT's TFile class to manage a set of user defined histogram containers (or any other ROOT objects if desired) by automatically arranging them in subdirectories |
▼CTObject | |
Ctvx::Event | A simple persistent event container holding collections of tracks and hits |
Ctvx::Hit | A simple class to contain basic properties of a hit registered by an active material in a detector |
Ctvx::Track | A simple persistent class describing a reconstructed charged particle track with a collection of track nodes |
Ctvx::TrackNode |